It is Pakistan's paradox that majority is always ignored.
The the preferences of elite minority are preferred. Majority of the Pakistani students goes to Urdu medium schools. But English is given importance. No doubt, English is important but there are some facts about it.
- Learning of a language involves its usage - Pakistani students don't use English in their routine talk.
- Only a small number of students reach the academic level where English becomes necessary - What is the use of English, if a person gets his secondary school certificate and becomes a local trader?
- English is not Pakistani natural - it is never mastered.
- Give two sentences one in English and the other in Urdu to any Pakistani student (I am talking about majority); they will be able to better understand and explain the one in Urdu. What is use of education which is not understood but parroted?
The final nail: It is always said that Urdu has not the depth to be used as medium of instruction in colleges. I ask those people even if they know Urdu. Urdu is quite sufficient and living language. It needs only attention of the authorities. It is and can be used as a medium of instruction. It is IRONY that, recently, the textbook board of the Punjab has converted chemistry course of intermediate which was in English to chemistry course for matriculation which is in Urdu and English. There are questions. Why the book is converted from a "higher standard" to a "lower standard"? Is there any "fool" holding office who regards Urdu as sufficient source of education? Has Urdu acquired depth to be used as medium? Think about it.
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